
Frequently Asked Questions

How to Register

Watch the video tutorials given below

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

  • Register on our google form sign up and we will call you to invoice and schedule your lesssons
  • Go to register now link to register and we will call you to register for classes and take payment
  • Be prepared to know what location Byram, Crystal Springs, Madison, Pearl
  • We start as early as 18 months to adults
  • We reccomend our toddlers to do private or semi private lessons
  • Your child should take lessons at minimum until they can swim two lengths of a competitive pool, taking breaths comfortably. 
  • This is usually accomplished upon completion of our advance.
  • They should be able to tread water for at least two minutes and roll over on their back and stay there for a minute and get out unassisted.  
  • We are committed to teaching all ages to swim and want swimming to be fun, but most importantly a safe activity.​ 
  • We ask that you prepare to pay immediately.
  • We will notify you and we ask that you prepare to pay with card, venmo, or paypal.

If you would like to pay for at least 3 months in full, please call the office at (601) 718-7525.

There are no refunds after purchasing lessons. There are no makeups unless you have a valid Dr. excuse. Upon time Dr says its okay to come back you have two weeks to finish your lessons.

We no not have a annual membership fee at this time.

  • We do not offer makeup lessons for routine absences. You can pay a drop in fee of $25-$50 a session depending on the type of lessons purchased. 
  • Just as you don't get makeups for missing soccer or cheer practice, you don't get them for swim lessons either. 
  • If we cancel due to holidays, weather, instructor illness, mechanical issues, public health crises, government mandates, or any other reason, we will issue you a makeup token that is valid for 30 days. 
  • There are no makeups unless you are ill and have a dr excuse with a 24 hour notice to notify. 
  • There are no refunds for cancelled classes because we provide a makeup within two weeks.
  • Makeup tokens are tokens that are eligible to be redeemed for a drop-in makeup class. 
  • We issue makeup tokens to your account when we cancel class for holidays, weather, instructor absences, mechanical issues, public health crises, government mandates, etc. 
  • Makeup tokens are valid for two weeks days after issue (unless otherwise specified by Total Body Submersion LLC management) and expire after that period. 
  • Any customer who cancels their enrollment and withdraws from class loses all makeup tokens on their account. 
  • Makeup token usage is restricted to active members only.
  • Makeup tokens cannot be converted to account credit or a refund.
  • Makeup tokens can be used for drop-in makeup classes only and are not able to be converted to financial credit.
  • Total Body Submersion LLC does not offer refunds under any circumstances. 
  • When we cancel lessons for holidays, weather, instructor illness, mechanical issues, public health crises, or government mandates, we offer makeups. 
  • If a child has a serious illness or injury that causes them to miss four or more consecutive lessons, and Total Body Submersion is provided with a doctor's note, we will issue makeup tokens for missed lessons.
  • 24 hour notice with a Dr excuse is required to do a makeup; otherwise you will pay a drop in fee for a makeup